The greatest good is the goodness of God.

Connect Groups

Connect Groups are the perfect way to build relationships and start growing in your relationship with Christ and the understanding of His Word. (Scroll down for more details.)

  • Home Groups meet every 2nd and 4th week at 7:00 PM. Pastor Barham’s meets at their home in Maumelle on Wednesday. Pastor Tolleson’s at the Rich home in Maumelle on Wednesday. Coppock’s meet in their home in Maumelle on Tuesday. 
  • Priceless Women of the Word (WOW) meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 7:00-8:00 PM at the church. 
  • Legacy Men’s Teams: meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 7:00-8:00 PM at the church. 
  • 501 Young Adults meet as events ae scheduled.
  • IMPACT Youth meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday 7:00 PM at the church.
  • Jubilee Junior Youth meet every Sunday following worship service.
  • Corporate Prayer meets every Saturday 7:00 PM at the church.
  • Torah Study meets every 4th Saturday, 9:00 am at the church.
  •  Signup for our Church MinistryOne App for alerts and notifications through you Apple or Google Play Store.

iMPACT Youth Ministries

Make a BOLD IMPACT with your walk with Christ! You’re generation is crying out for someone to lead them in the truth of Jesus Christ and deliver them from the generational dysfunction that robs them of their identity and destiny!

IMPACT Youth as scheduled at the church in the IMPACT AREA for a time fun, relationship building, and in-depth discipleship. IMPACT youth is for ages 13-17 years of age meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday 7:00 PM. Junior Youth (10-12 years) meet following Sunday Worship Services.

501 Young Adults

501 (ages 18 to 30 years) meets as scheduled for various activities, events, fellowship and devotions.  To find out the next 501 event visit our


Small Group Environment:

After participating in worship, kids travel back to their small group classroom where their leaders help them understand how the day’s bottom line can fit into their everyday life. Small group leaders are serious about having fun with kids and passionate about teaching the TRUTH. We want kids to see how God’s word fits into their lives, to learn how to talk to Him, and to build friendships that will last. Every Sunday they connect with the same small group of kids and the same small group leader. That way they get connected and we have the best chance to establish a relationship that’s going to matter when they need it most.

For the Parents:

Jubilee KIDZ is dedicated to partnering with parents at raising kids with strong values and their own intimate relationship with their Heavenly Father. We believe that We can only do this with support of families to train our children to pursue a life that pleases the Lord.

The average child will spend over 1000 hours every year in school and they will spend less than 100 hours in church. The average parent has more than 10 times the opportunities to discuss spiritual issues in one year than a church leader does in 10 years. The church has limited potential to impact the heart of your child. WHAT HAPPENS AT HOME in many ways is more important than what happens at church!              

Women of the Word

Here at Jubilee we believe in empowering women of every age to pursue their destiny by connecting to the heart of God. Our desire is to see women of from every background walking in their designed purpose. We invite you to come and take part in all the great things that we offer women. Take time to visit our calendar of events to keep up with what’s happening at Jubilee.

Join us every 1st and 3rd Wednesday 7:00 – 8:00 pm at the church for our Women of the Word meetings. These meetings are designed to help encourage you in your relationship with God as well as help you develop Godly friendships with other women. When you join Priceless Women you can expect to feel welcomed from the moment you walk through the door. You will meet ladies that have a heart for God and a love for women. You will leave inspired and encouraged each time. At Priceless Women we want to show you how to be a daughter in a house you can love and that loves you! Text PRICELESSWOMEN to 84483 for alerts.

Jubilee Men’s Ministry is committed to equipping men to fulfill their God-given role as leaders in their homes and communities. Like the men of valor hand picked by God in Judges 7:7, Legacy300 men are committed to following the Spirit of God as mighty men of valor. Now is a critical time in our society for men to step up and live their lives as an example, with purity and holiness. Legacy300 helps equip men to live such lives by making relationships and discipling them so that they can take their place in the Kingdom and help them better reach and serve the world around them.

Join one of our Legacy Team. These meetings are designed to help encourage you in your relationship with God as well as help you develop Godly friendships with other men.  

Legacy300 Men

Jubilee Legacy Men meeting every 1st and 3rd Wednesday 7-8PM at the church upstairs in Area 501.

More great Jubilee Ministries

Martial Arts

Jubilee Martial Arts Ministry is a Christ centered, family focused ministry. We put Christ first in all that we do. Using the martial arts athletic discipline, we seek to impart life skills and leadership into our students through sound Biblical principles. Classes are Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6-7pm. Ages 6 and up. For more information see Master John Saunders.

Legacy college flag

Legacy College of Ministry

“LCM is ready to teach you, stretch you, and take you to places you have never been before with God! The time is now to pursue God’s purpose for your life – the place is LCM.” - Lindell Ballenger Legacy College and School of Ministry Founding Chancellor


The Jubilee Discipleship (Talmidim) Program is a non-residential 14-month minimum mentoring and discipleship program. The goal is to not only increase your Biblical proficiency but to strengthen your Christian resolve and relationship with Jesus Christ. It is to help you grow and succeed in every aspect of your life and relationships.

Hospitality Team

The Hospitality Team is another great place to start serving and getting to know your Jubilee Family. The Hospitality Team works to provide opportunities for people to build relationship through hosting the morning coffee and refreshments and helping with the hosting of potlucks and special church events.


Jubilee World Missions is: Children of Arkansas Loved for a Lifetime, Children World Embassy, The Dove House, Falco’s Home, Han Martial Arts for Missions,Campus Crusade for Christ, Military Ministry, Dorcus House, The Han Center, and...You helping “Make a Difference"!

JOY Seniors Network

JOY stands for Just Older Youth! This amazing Seniors Ministry is a place for those 60 and over to connect for times of fellowship to strengthen and encourage one another.

Usher Team

The Jubilee Usher Team is a great place to start serving. Our Usher and Greeter Team are essential to everything from welcoming our visitors to serving the congregation during services.

Childcare Team

Childcare is a special and critical part of ministry to our families. Jubilee provides child care for infants and toddlers during services and special church events.

More areas of ministry and opportunities to serve:

  • Media Ministry
  • Worship Ministry
  • Joyful Expressions Dance Ministry
  • Visual Arts (Painting and Photography )
  • Social Media and Webpage Team
  • Media and IT Ministry
  • Camp Joshua (Pro-Life Camp for Youth)
  • Next Step Missions