Our Team


Assistant Pastors

Dr. Woody and Dr. Claudia Tolleson
(Home Group Leaders)


Social Media & Food Pantry

Brennan and Alysia Wells


Greeter Ministry

Bridget Jones


Choir Ministry & Bible College

Drew and Cathy Coppock
(Home Group Leaders)

John Saunders

Media Ministry

 John and Victoria Saunders (Secretary)

James and Abby Coppock

Sr Youth & Dance Ministry

James and Abby Coppock

Julia Barham

Children's Ministry

Julia Barham

Mark and Dana Baggett

Men's and Nursery Ministry

 Mark and Dana Baggett

Cindy Juarez

Children's Ministry

Cindy Juarez

Jonathan and Sherri Chamblee

Usher Ministry

Jonathan and Sherri Chamblee


Brian and Lauren Carpenter

Recovery Ministry

Brian and Lauren Carpenter

Statement of Faith

The Holy Scriptures: We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the true, immutable, steadfast, authoritative, written Word of God; that they were written by men of old as they were moved upon and inspired by the Holy Spirit. These scriptures are inerrant, infallible and God-breathed, and therefore are the final authority for faith and life. [2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21]

The Eternal Godhead: We believe there is one true and living God eternally existent in three persons in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; equal in every divine perfection….(Click below to see our full Statement of Faith)

Core Values

We Value Lordship
[James 4:7] Jesus Christ is the head. [Ephesians 5:23] We live under His government and order. His Lordship governs all ordinances of the church, including water baptism, communion and marriage.

We Value Relationship
[Matthew 22:39-40] We place great emphasis on the fellowship of believers. We believe that true fellowship comes with submission to one another. [1 Peter 5:5]

We Value Discipleship
[Matthew 16:24-25] We encourage our membership to become disciplined followers.

We Value Sonship
[Ephesians 1:5] We are not merely servants of God; we are sons and daughters. We believe strongly in the value of inheritance.

We Value Worship
[Matthew 22:37-38] We believe that worship is integral to fulfilling the Great Commandment. We further believe that worship is the cornerstone of our relationship with God.

We Value Leadership
[2 Corinthians 13:10] It is our contention that to be effective, those in leadership must be friends first, leaders second. Great followers become great leaders. Servanthood is the gateway to ministry.[1 Corinthians 9:19]

We Value Stewardship
[Luke 12:42-44] We strive to set biblical patterns for giving and prosperity. We recognize that time is given to us by God to use effectively.

Ministry Model

Our approach to ministry is based on a Biblical model, which we refer to as the ”Antioch Principle”. Antioch was a city in northern Syria, which housed a church that became a major center for Gentile believers. Men like Paul, Barnabas, Silas, Mark, and many others were sent out from this church. Antioch did not only grow by local addition of members, but by trans-local reproduction into many nations and cultures.

The following dynamic attributes from the Church at Antioch are highlighted in Acts chapters 11 & 13. We seek to incorporate these same qualities and values here at Jubilee.


What to Expect

Welcome to Jubilee

Stepping into an unfamiliar church for the first time can be a little intimidating. Our hope is for you to feel at home and to experience God in a real way. Jubilee services are dynamic, relational and personal for every person. Jubilee is made up of people from every walk of life: singles, families, college students, children, teenagers, infants, and senior adults. When you visit Jubilee you can expect to feel welcomed and accepted from the moment you step through the door.

You will be encouraged by our passionate, full-band worship team, relevant messages of the Gospel, and life-changing ministry that will challenge and empower you. Jubilee revolves around Jesus, the presence of God and the power of the Holy Spirit and strives to be a house to train and disciple every person. We invite you to come as you are, leave different than you came, and expect the unexpected. The Sunday Celebrations of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ start at 10:30 am. Hope to see you there!

Jubilee Guest Services: When you visit Jubilee, we want to meet with you, show our hospitality and answer any questions following our services. We invite you to meet with our Pastoral Team in our foyer immediately following our services. There you can find out about everything that’s going on! We want you and your family to be fully informed about what is available for every age group.

Also, you will have the chance to meet some of our members of the Guest Services Team who can answer any questions you may have and help you find the best way to plug into the life of the church.

Jubilee KIDZ: The Jubilee Children’s Ministry hosts amazing kids services every weekend for ages 5-9 years old. Jubilee Kidz has age-appropriate teaching, exciting worship and fun activities for children of all ages. Your kids will have an incredible time and the opportunity to build relationships with children their own age.

Jubilee Nurseries: Our nursery staff provides safe, quality care for your infants and toddlers during all services. There is music, crafts, and age-specific Bible teaching for children from birth to 4 years old. We have separate rooms for Infants, Crawlers and Toddlers.

Jubilee Church International 24014 North Highway 365, Maumelle, AR 72113 (501) 476-1333