Our Growth Track Membership Process begins with signing up for a Pastoral Interview with Pastor’s Marvin and Angie so you can get to know each other better and answer any questions you may have. Sign up today. Next Pastors Woody and Claudia Tolleson will reach out to you and get you in the next scheduled New Members Class.
Once completed, Mark Baggett will contact you to get you in the Foundations Class. If you wish to continue the process upon completion of Foundations Class, you can contact Mrs. Cathy Coppock who can get you registered for Discover and Practical Ministry Classes which can be completed online through Legacy College of Ministry. Members must have completed New Members Class to participate in some ministry areas. Some corporate ministry opportunities require that members have completed the entire Growth Track Process and released to corporate ministry by the Pastoral Leadership.
Zoom Video Meeting Growth Track Classes:
NEW MEMBERS CLASS – (Engrafted into the Family) Register today!
FOUNDATIONS CLASS – (Lay a Solid Foundation)
DISCOVERY CLASS – (Connect to the Vision) Register today!
Our Freedom Encounters are part of our Growth Track Process. New Members must have completed Connect Class and at least started the Foundations Class. Our Men’s and Women’s Freedom Encounter Weekends are scheduled annually and held at the church. A Freedom Encounter begins on a Friday night at 5:00 pm and concludes on a Saturday at 5:00 pm. All meals are provided. REGISTER TODAY
Throughout the year there are several special events Jubilee hosts to include Thanksgiving Potluck, Family Fest, Christmas Parties, and our New Year’s Eve Prophetic Service. Find details for these and other events here.
- Easter Celebration Service
- Baptism Celebration Service (REQUEST TO BE BAPTIZED)
- Thanksgiving Potluck – The Sunday evening before Thanksgiving
- Church Christmas Fellowship in December
- Christmas Celebration Service the Sunday before Christmas
- New Year’s Eve Prophetic Service December 31st from 7:00-9:00 PM. Followed by food and fellowship.
2025 Dates March 26th – April 19th
The Body of Christ in the unity of prayer each week, each day, collectively seeking the face of God and lifting our prayers as a sweet fragrance to the Lord as the priest of old. And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you (Exodus 3.14).
The Divine Name I AM THAT I AM is God’s memorial name unto all generations. God defined it this way so that when the Lord Jesus Christ came to earth and declared this name, there would be no question as to His identity as Almighty God. God actually gave two names in Exodus 3.14. The long form I AM THAT I AM and the short form I AM. We have the identity: (Ehyeh, I AM) = 21. The memorial name of the Lord God Almighty reveals the mystery of His eternal nature. Jesus used it to declare His Own Divinity. The Name given is: Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh I AM that I AM.
We will start 21 days before Passover. If you wish to continue additional prayer suggestions have been provided for continuing weeks. Below we have provided prayer and fasting Scriptures, the names of God, fasting recommendations, daily prayer list, and a place to submit testimonials of your experience.
FASTING RECOMMENDATIONS: We encourage you to fast : Bread, Pasta, Meat, Sugar, and Dairy. You may also choose to fast Social Media and Television.
OUR LORD’S PRAYER: He said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name; Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
FASTING: Jesus said, “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do; for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father who is unseen: and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew 6:16-18
Pray for the fulfillment of your local churches vision and your pastors.
Pray for unity and stronger relationships of the church family corporate and the leaders who serve.
Pray for revival and increase in the ministries of your local church.
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Pray for increased spiritual impact by your local church in its community and city.
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Pray for the harvest of souls that their hearts be drawn to Christ Jesus and the deliverance of those who are addicted and emotionally or spiritually oppressed.
Pray for revival in your family, community, city, state, church, and nation and for the prodigals, those who have gone astray, to return to the love of the Father.
Pray for those and their families who serve our Armed Forces, veterans, police, firemen, and other first responders.
Pray for strength, healing, and provision for the families of your local church.
Pray for healing to those of broken homes and marriages.
Pray for hope and good Christian homes for the orphaned and fatherless.
Pray for hope, peace, and strength for our children, youth, young adults, singles and seniors.
Pray for God’s intervention in the lives of women contemplating abortion.
Pray for economic increase to your community; families who lost their jobs; and the homeless.
Pray for revival in the schools in your community.
Pray for leaders of our communities, city, state, and national government
Pray for Israel, the United States and other nations of the world that the Gospel of Christ will transform the nations of the earth.
Pray for the persecuted Christians and Christian martyrs in the nations.
Pray for international churches and missionaries of which your local church has apostolic oversight/relationship.
Pray for God to let you hear the voice of His Spirit like never before.
Pray for God to give you a stronger hunger for His Word and revelational understanding.
Pray for God to revive your heart, soul and spirit to complete surrender to Him.
****Event culminates with an all night Prayer Vigil around a bonfire with the reading of Psalms.
Psalm 44:45, “Through Your name shall I put my enemies under my feet”; Psalm 20:1, “The name of God defends you…”; Psalm 124:8, My help is in the name of the Lord.”
YHVH (Yahweh)…the all powerful, creative, covenant God (Exodus 6:3)
EL BRIT…the God of the covenant (Genesis 6:18, 9:9, 15:18)
HA EL HAKADOSH…the Holy God (Isaiah 5:16, 57:15)
EL SALI…God is my rock (Psalm 42:9, 71:3)
ELOHAY MIKAROV…God who is near (Psalm 119:151)
YHVH SHALOM…God who is peace, wholeness, completeness (Judges 6:24)
RUACH ELOHIM…The Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit who empowers believers (Exodus 31:3)
RAPHA…the Lord that heals (Exodus 15:26)
EL RACHUM…God of compassion (Psalm 78:38)
ELOHAY CHASIDI…God of my kindness to men or piety (Psalm 59:11)
ELOHAY TEHELATI…God who is my praise (Psalm 109:1)
EL PALAT…God who delivers (Psalm 18:2)
EL YASHA…God of my salvation (Isiah 43:3)
EL ELOE YISRAEL…The God of Israel or Jacob (Genesis 33:20)
EL CHAIYAI…The God of my life (Psalm 42:9)
EL KANA…Jealous God who demands love, worship, honor, and praise (Exodus 20:5)
EL NASHAH…The God who forgets/forgives (Genesis 41:51)
EL SIMCHAT GILI…God who is the joy of my praise or exaltation (Psalm 43:4)6th